My Blog

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Not exactly sure what I'll be posting about, but will be centred around preparation for the marathon - fund raising ideas, run routes, things that annoy me when I am running, etc. Will look to update and maintain every other day (or until I lose interest).

My reason for starting a blog is to keep you kind people who have (or will) sponsor me ( informed of my progress in preparing for the marathon. Additionally, once my running career is over I imagine I will look back fondly on the drivel posted.

Lastly, I appreciate any support you can provide. It would be great if you could donate but also any tips you could give for fund raising or preparing for the run would be much appreciated. If you want to join me on a jog, let me know - cheers!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Late but not forgotten

My apologies for keeping you waiting on the latest post, fear not the time has come.

First up lets get the running out of the way which will then be followed by my exciting weekend.  Ran 3 times last week, the only one of note was on Sunday where I ran 12 miles in 1h36ish.  The route took in the delights of Surrey as I was home for the weekend, it started from my house running to Walton bridge then along the Thames to Hampton Court from there I headed home through West Moseley.  I will be looking to load my routes onto this blog for your amusement, a more interesting blog (arguably) is this one - where a runner is making pictures out of their routes.
I was happy with the pace especially as my watch was not behaving and couldn't set myself a pace ( - do not buy!).  The knee was not best pleased and it twinged when walking on after, however I ran on it this morning and is now feeling... OK.

As I mentioned early, I was in Surrey at the weekend visiting the family.  Didn't get up too much, did a bit of work, bit of Spanish (Espanol!) and finished my book.  Hmm, that's it.

On the charity side please help support my friends who are raising money for these worthy causes and

Until the next post (I will try harder next time), enjoy the week and thank you for your support!

158 days - 10 hours - 30 min - 20 secs

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